

“Mai alla guerra deve essere concesso di dividere le religioni del mondo” ha detto Papa Giovanni Paolo II ai vescovi della Conferenza Episcopale dell’Indonesia, ricevuti ieri in occasione della loro visita “ad Limina Apostolorum”. Il Pontefice ha ricordato il “momento di accresciuta tensione dell’intera comunità mondiale” e ha quindi aggiunto: “Vi incoraggio a considerare questo preoccupante momento un’occasione per lavorare insieme, come fratelli impegnati per la pace, con il vostro popolo, con coloro che hanno altre convinzioni religiose e con tutte le donne e gli uomini di buona volontà allo scopo di assicurare comprensione, collaborazione e solidarietà. Non dobbiamo permettere che una tragedia umana diventi una catastrofe religiosa”.Misna Ecco il passaggio del discorso del Papa ai vescovi dell’Indonesia (ingl):Here, I wish to assure you of my deep concern for the beloved Indonesian people at this moment of heightened tension in the entire world community. War must never be allowed to divide world religions. I encourage you to take this unsettling moment as an occasion to work together, as brothers committed to peace, with your own people, with those of other religious beliefs and with all men and women of good will in order to ensure understanding, cooperation and solidarity. Let us not permit a human tragedy also to become a religious catastrophe (cf. Address to the Interreligious Delegation from Indonesia, 20 February 2003).

At the same time, I am well aware that certain portions of the Christian community in your nation have suffered from discrimination and prejudice, while others have been victimized by acts of destruction and vandalization. In some areas Christian communities have been denied the permission to build places of worship and prayer. Indonesia, together with the international community, was recently stunned at the terrible loss of life due to the terrorist bombing in Bali. In all of this, however, one must be careful not to yield to the temptation to define groups of people by the actions of an extremist minority. Authentic religion does not advocate terrorism or violence, but seeks to promote in every way the unity and peace of the whole human family.